for thousands of years, healers have used the spiritual and healing properties of gemstones to bring about balance. personally, i don't believe that a stone can heal, but i do believe that stones carry an energetic property that may be used as an aid, similar to a plant or any product of the earth. a plant carries several therapeutic properties; its color, its aroma, its taste, etc. stones also carry therapeutic qualities that can have an effect on us in the same way. each type of stone has its own unique talent, and gemstone colors, shapes, and textures can all have special meanings to us. you can intuitively choose which stones are best for you by noting which stones you are drawn to most. keep your heart open and allow the appropriate stone to find its way to you.
african bloodstone is believed to bring courage, abundance, purification and good fortune. it is said to help one to accept change, overcome stress, sadness, and melancholy. it is associated with renewed relationships and love life, vitality, charitable instincts, and is an excellent stone for centering, grounding, and calming. it attracts abundance, prosperity, success, and enhances the intellect. ~ view all bloodstone malas & jewelry
african turquoise is a stone of protection and grounding, gentleness and relaxation, tranquility and ease, and gentle change. it balances yin and yang energies, sustains and supports through times of stress, brings peace, and protects while absorbing negative energy. it attracts friendship, love, luck, prosperity, happiness, success, and courage, and has been said to aid in the release of shame and guilt. it promotes stability, comfort, and calm. ~ view all african turquoise malas & jewelry
agates are grounding stones that support a better balance. they work to raise consciousness, balance yin and yang, and promote calming. they are said to strengthen positive personality traits, build self-confidence, connect one to nature, and allow us to see all the beauty that surrounds us. they have been used for protection, courage, creativity, intellectual strength, luck, harmony, and longevity. they are considered strong stones for easing stress, and feelings of envy and resentment. they aid creative visualization, increase trust and acceptance, and release blockages from all chakras. they are wonderful stones for artists and students. ~ view all agate malas & jewelry
amazonite is said to be a stone of truth, nobility, communication, integrity, and trust. it has been used to enhance intuition, creativity, intellect, and mental abilities, and is associated with the throat and third eye chakras. it is known as a stone of honor and spiritual power, calms and lessens stress and self-defeating behaviors, and is said to build self-esteem. ~ view all amazonite malas & jewelry
like diamonds, true amber takes millions of years to be created. amber is the ancient resin of trees once it has gone through a number of changes over a period of tens of millions of years. the age of amber can be between 35 and 140 million years old and can be found in many countries, but the baltic sea region contains 95% of the world's amber. it is known for its beauty and quality. its color, warmth, and electrical properties have earned it a reputation as a protective and calming stone. it can absorb negative energy, and supports a sunny disposition, happiness, courage, good luck, and manifestation. it has also been used to dispel sadness. ~ view all amber malas & jewelry
amethyst is a stone of spirituality and contentment that represents principles of complete metamorphosis. it is known as a stone of meditation and peace, and balances the energies of the intellectual and spiritual bodies. it opens and activates the third eye and crown chakras, and enhances serenity, spiritual insights, stability, inner strength, and common sense. it is helpful for re-alignment of energy bodies, and is said to protect from mental attacks. ~ view all amethyst malas & jewelry
apatite is said to enhance one's insight, learning abilities and imagination, and to give increased self-confidence. it is also said to help achieve deeper states of meditation, and helps to restore clear thoughts. it is believed to produce a spiritual state of unconditional love and harmony with continued use, and enhances intuition and creativity. it creates a willingness to let go of that which no longer serves us, such as having difficulty letting go of someone or something that is no longer good, or no longer has a place in one's life. it brings inner peace, wisdom, facilitates public speaking, enhances communication, and is associated with the throat and third eye chakras. ~ view all apatite malas & jewelry
aquamarine is known as a stone of courage, inner peace, self-love, and great power. it provides protection energetically, and is said to attract guardian angels. it is an excellent stone for meditation, brings hope and good luck, and has been used to release anger and fear. it assists with communication issues, and is associated with the throat chakra. ~ view all aquamarine malas & jewelry
black moonstone is actually black labradorite (also larvikite), and has been used for general protection, especially when traveling. it is said to be cleansing, removing negative energies, as well as providing patience, promoting positive energy flow, and balancing relationships. it stills and focuses the mind for meditation, increases the intellect, stimulates creativity, deepens wisdom, and brings wealth and abundance. It is said to help connect with the higher self, helps to achieve goals, enhances clarity of thought, and stimulates youthfulness and vitality. ~ view all black moonstone malas & jewelry
bloodstone is a deep green stone with mossy tones and occasional small red flecks. the small red flecks are where the stone gets its name. it is an excellent stone for centering, grounding, and calming. it has been used to increase adaptability and organization, and is a stone of courage and balance. it is also said to be particularly helpful for sadness and grief. it has been mystically used to attract abundance, success, and prosperity, and to release blockages from the energy centers of the body. ~ view all bloodstone malas & jewelry
blue goldstone is a manmade glittery stone with suspended flecks of copper. it is a valid classification of stone, as it has many properties of natural glasses, such as obsidian. it was originally created as alchemists worked toward creating gold. it is said to be a stone of protection, calming, stability, attainment of personal goals, and has been used for balancing the emotions. it is gently uplifting and helpful to the throat chakra, and supports clear and compassionate communication. ~ view all goldstone malas & jewelry
blue lace agate is a gentle and calming stone that strongly supports grace, communication, and the giving of energy. it grounds one to the heart while promoting compassion for the self and for others. it is believed to facilitate higher states of meditation, intuition, inner wisdom, tranquility, and activates the throat chakra. it has been used to dispel anger, and is a stone of gentle protection. ~ view all blue lace agate malas & jewelry
blue tiger's eye is a stone of integrity, practical communication, and observation, which is why it is often referred to as hawk's eye. it has been used to see clearly without illusion, recognize thoughts and ideas, and support the willpower to manifest and carry them to fruition. it is used for protection, especially of the upper chakras such as the third eye and throat chakras, and especially during travel. it is a stone of grounding, stability, and prosperity, often in the form of money, and brings good luck to one who wears or carries it. ~ view all tiger's eye malas & jewelry
bronzite is a lovely chocolate colored gemstone with golden swirls that shimmer, making it a more phenomenal gemstone. it is known as a stone of focused action, and is helpful with certainty and with taking control of our actions. it can also help us to be present, enhancing our ability to take control of our own lives. it is a good grounding stone and is excellent for promoting change in a harmonious way. ~ view all bronzite malas & jewelry
carnelian is a stone of creativity, individuality and courage. it is said to assist one in finding a soul mate, and is a stone of protection from anger, jealousy and fear. it aids manifestation, good luck, promotes emotional warmth, calms the mind, dissolves sorrows, and stabilizes energy. it is a grounding stone and is associated with the root and sacral chakras. ~ view all carnelian malas & jewelry
chrysocolla is known as a stone of harmony. it has been used to dispel negativity, and works in a gentle, harmonious way. it is believed to ease fear and guilt, and has been used for protection, especially for women. ~ view all chrysocolla malas & jewelry
chrysoprase is well-known for its promotion of growth, love, and forgiveness. it is useful for anyone going through times of change or growth, and is an extremely useful stone for improving forgiveness, empathy, self-growth, self-love, and is tightly linked to the heart chakra. it can be used to increase the energy of the heart chakra and promote a much stronger flow of energy through it, which aids a huge variety of common concerns related to love and kindness. chrysoprase is one of the strongest stones that you can use to clear the energy of the heart chakra. ~ view all chrysoprase malas & jewelry
in vedic astrology, citrine is associated with the planet jupiter, which is the planet of good luck and good fortune. it is a stone of success and manifestation, generosity, and personal empowerment. it is also known as a protection stone and is said to dispel negativity, alleviate sadness and self-doubt, diminish irrational mood swings, and increase mental clarity. it is beneficial for spiritual growth, meditation, and never needs energetic cleansing. it is associated with the center of the body and the solar plexus chakra, which is our power center of strength of will. ~ view all citrine malas & jewelry
coral stones bring diplomacy, understanding, quiet emotions, and bring peace to the inner self. they facilitate intuition, imagination, creativity, visualization, accelerate the transfer of knowledge, and bring love and prosperity. ~ view all coral malas & jewelry
crazy lace agate is a balancing and protecting stone that brings laughter and absorbs emotional pain. it is believed to help with decision making by balancing the emotional and mental states and helping one to stay focused. it is a good general protective stone, but is particularly emotionally protective, and is said to ward off the evil eye. ~ view all crazy lace agate malas & jewelry
crystal quartz is known as a stone of harmony, wisdom, power, and sacred fire. it has been called a master stone, due to its many uses. it amplifies the energy of any stone it is paired with, and is extremely beneficial for manifesting, meditation, and protection. it is excellent for harmonizing and balancing, dispels negativity, and enhances spiritual growth. it clears and activates all energy centers and chakras, stimulates the third eye and crown chakras, and is said to bring the energy of the stars into the soul. ~ view all quartz malas & jewelry
diamond is a stone that powerfully amplifies other gems. it supports balance, prosperity, generosity, love, and longevity, and brings these qualities to relationships. used with loving and clear intent, it is said to clear blockages, open the crown chakra, enhance spiritual peace, and amplify any stone it is paired with. it has been used to increase clarity, trust, strength, courage, hope, and confidence. it is primarily associated with the crown chakra, but can be used for a variety of chakras based on its color. ~ view all diamond malas & jewelry
dumortierite is a stone that teaches us to stand up for ourselves. it inspires us to be brave and take control of our own life by increasing our level of patience. it enhances intellectual abilities, stimulates the third eye chakra, strengthens willpower, boosts self-mastery, stabilizes emotions, and is said to bring many blessings. it is also said to be very calming during tense or emotional situations. ~ view all dumortierite malas & jewelry
emerald is a powerful but gentle stone of the heart chakra. it supports love and compassion, promotes truthfulness and honesty, enhances intuitive awareness, and strengthens mental abilities. it is believed to benefit the intellect, communication, decision making, and manifestation. it supports relationships of all kinds and brings love, romance, passion, domestic bliss, harmony, joy, and faith. ~ view all emerald malas & jewelry
fluorite is a stone of spiritual wholeness and development. it brings truth, protection, and peace, and strengthens consciousness. it helps one to rise above the "chatter" that our minds tend to generate while focusing on meditation. it is said to be a great stone to calm and relieve stress, and can help remove mental blockages. it has a variety of colors and is associated with chakras of the same color. blue fluorite protects the emotions and restores emotional balance, while purple fluorite strengthens insight, intuition, and is believed to open the third eye chakra. green fluorite is said to be an excellent all purpose stone that promotes self-love. ~ view all fluorite malas & jewelry
garnet is often associated with love, passion, and fire. it is a stone of faith, devotion, stability, and trust, and is said to balance the emotions. it has been used to soothe emotional stress and anger that is held in and is not expressed. it encourages an inner strength and personal power, which increases success, a positive attitude, and sparks the energies of creativity. it is known in indian mythology for persistence, stamina, and energizing the fire of kundalini, which is the eternal force that activates the chakras and begins the path to awakening and enlightenment. it has been used to release bad karma, negative energy from the chakras, bring stability and order from chaos, and is associated with the root and heart chakras. ~ view all garnet malas & jewelry
goldstone is a manmade glittery stone with suspended flecks of copper. it is a valid classification of stone, as it has many properties of natural glasses, such as obsidian. it was originally created as alchemists worked toward creating gold. it is said to be a stone of protection, calming, stability, attainment of personal goals, and has been used for balancing the emotions. it supports the solar plexus chakra, which is the power source of our will, our sense of empowerment, personal power, self-control, and discipline. ~ view all goldstone malas & jewelry
hematite is known as a stone for the mind. it has been used for mental organization, practical application of logical thinking, problem solving, and mathematics. it is grounding, calming, decreases negativity, and has been used to balance the body, mind, and spirit. it is associated with the root chakra and is said to act as a stabilizing force. ~ view all hematite malas & jewelry
white turquoise is actually howlite which is a beautiful white stone that represents the spiritual qualities of stillness, tenderness, and open-mindedness. it brings peace and clarity of mind and provides the soul and spirit the energy they need to continue important transformation. it is also a crystal of compassion and awareness, understanding of self and others, wisdom, enlightenment, focus and serenity of mind, calming strength, happiness and contentment, and finally creativity and self expression. because of these effects, it has been used for stress, overcoming communication difficulty, and attracting wealth, luck, abundance, and prosperity. It also helps to increase patience and dispel frustration. ~ view all howlite malas & jewelry
hypersthene is a stone of spiritual protection and grounding. it supports profound levels of consciousness and awareness, clarity, and insight, and brings answers, opportunities of all kinds, and attracts desires. it is a good stone for those who are overly critical or irritable, and enhances self respect. ~ view all hypersthene malas & jewelry
iolite is commonly known as water sapphire, and is considered to be one of the best stones for meditation and spiritual growth. it stimulates the third eye, throat, and crown chakras, intuition, visualization, and growth in a gentle fashion. it also supports communication and relationships of all kinds. ~ view all iolite malas & jewelry
jade is a wonderful balancing stone. it is considered to be a lucky stone that offers wealth in all aspects, prosperity, love, and longevity. it is beneficial to the heart chakra, is a very protective stone, and will keep its wearer out of harm's way. it helps one to realize their full potential, release negative thoughts and energy, attain purposeful goals, and bring suppressed emotional issues to the surface for resolution. it embodies a steady pulse of energy, and has been used to bring good luck, prosperity, wisdom, emotional balance, humility, generosity, peace, and harmony. it is associated with the heart chakra, but is helpful for a variety of chakras based on its color. ~ view all jade malas & jewelry
jasper is a stone of protection and grounding, gentleness and relaxation, tranquility and ease, and gentle change. it balances yin and yang energies, sustains and supports through times of stress, brings peace, and protects while absorbing negative energy. it has often been worn by healers to benefit others, and promotes stability, comfort, and calm. it re-aligns all chakras, and is known as the "supreme nurturer." ~ view all jasper malas & jewelry
kyanite is a beautiful ocean blue or light green gemstone with color washes of white, black, gray, silver, or teal. it is said to aid in self-expression and communication, and has been used to open the throat and crown chakras. it is often referred to as a stone of visualization, and brings protection, loyalty, honesty, and tranquility. it diminishes anger, does not retain negative energy, and never needs energetic cleansing. it aligns and balances all chakras, removes energy blockages, and is a boost to meditation. green kyanite is especially useful and balancing to the heart chakra. ~ view all kyanite malas & jewelry
labradorite brings forth each person's strengths to share with the world. it helps one find their originality and has a very calming effect. this also makes it a wonderful stone for reducing stress. it helps us relate to others, opens energy flow to the solar plexus and third eye chakras, and whatever energy centers are most in need. at the solar plexus chakra it gives power. at the brow chakra, it encourages deep insight and focused intuition.
labradorite also has an umbrella effect when it comes to energy. it is used to dispel negativity, prevent the draining of energy, and helps to form a barrier of protection around its user. it is a stone of illumination, assists in easing any transformation, and allows one to engage a higher level of consciousness in the process. ~ view all labradorite malas & jewelry
lapis is known as the stone of total awareness. carrying many properties, this natural stone provides activation and energizing of the throat and third eye chakras. it enhances intuition and provides objectivity, clarity, and mental endurance. it is a stone of manifestation, communication, mental protection, and mental strength. it quiets the restless mind, increases concentration, brings inner power, wisdom, and spiritual love. it has been used to overcome grief and mental impressions of the chitta, while building courage, confidence, faith, and trust. it assists in tuning into the creative source and awakening to the perfection of self. ~ view all lapis malas & jewelry
larimar is a very rare blue stone of consciousness, serenity, balance, and peace. its coloration varies from white, light blue, and green blue to caribbean blue, however only the caribbean blue stones are considered high quality gems. it is believed to be an extraordinary stone that awakens feminine power (shakti), soothes the emotions, and balances water and fire elements in the body (agni, pitta, and kapha). it assists the throat chakra and expression of emotions, teaches love and respect, cleanses emotional blocks, aids in releasing attachments, and is said to relieve sadness and stress. ~ view all larimar malas & jewelry
lava rock is a stone of strength and stability in times of change. it supports grounding, is very protective, and absorbs harmful energies. it is associated with the root or base chakra, and embodies the fire of kundalini, which is the eternal force that activates the chakras. it strengthens our connection to the earth, provides guidance and understanding, and allows us to root scattered energy. it promotes focus, balance, and centering by embracing practicality. ~ view all lava rock malas & jewelry
lepidolite is a stone of calm, trust, and acceptance. it supports change and transitions in life with ease, and is said to be helpful in coping with stress. it has been used to create calm and relaxation, and gently calm intense emotional feelings, such as mood swings, anger, and worry. it is associated with the heart, third eye, and crown chakras, and brings hope, relief, gentleness, self-love, patience, self-forgiveness, and mental balance. ~ view all lepidolite malas & jewelry
malachite is a stone of positive transformation that supports change with ease, spiritual growth, and prosperity. it is an excellent stone for concentration and meditation, balancing the emotions, relieving stress, and balancing all chakras, especially the heart chakra. it is a stone of good fortune, prosperity, abundance, and protection. ~ view all malachite malas & jewelry
moonstone is a stone of abundance and is associated with love of all kinds. it has a gentle, calming energy that supports creativity, compassion, and inner strength. it brings balance, hope, and harmony, and is gently uplifting. it has been used to help calm responses and avoid overreaction, relieve stress, enhance feminine energies, sensitivity, intuition, and mental abilities. traditionally, it is also known as a stone of protection, especially for women and during travel. it is associated with the third eye, crown, and heart chakras. ~ view all moonstone malas & jewelry
muscovite is a type of mica composed of beautiful pinks, browns, and yellows. it is used for lessening insecurities, self-doubt, and brings self-confidence and optimism. it is helpful for problem solving, self-reflection, and dealing with major life changes with ease. it is believed to be especially useful to the heart chakra when worn in pink shades. ~ view all muscovite malas & jewelry
obsidian is a very protective stone, and is excellent for removing negativity. it has been used for protection against negative energy and is said to protect the gentle from abuse. it is a very grounding stone, and is excellent for manifestation. it is related to the root chakra.
gold sheen or rainbow obsidian is known as a stone of pleasure, as it brings pleasure, enjoyment and joy to one's life. it brings love and light and brings out the spiritual. it has been used as a very protective stone, and works by grounding out negativity to let in the positive. it is a centering stone that is also associated with the root chakra. ~ view all obsidian malas & jewelry
onyx is a stone that assists with challenges in life, especially those caused by a drain of energy. it prevents and protects from the draining of personal energy, and is excellent for grounding, controlling, or eliminating excess or unwanted energies. it is associated with the root chakra and has been used to increase stamina and self-control. ~ view all onyx malas & jewelry
opal is a stone of many varieties that share common energies. it is a stone of hope, inner peace, love, and inspiration. it inspires and renews the heart chakra, unconditional love, imagination, and brings strong creativity to the spirit. it has been used for self-esteem, self-worth, and releasing harmful inhibitions, as well as protection, clarity, and to calm turbulent emotions. it is known as a very spiritual stone that brings courage, happy dreams, fidelity, and eases the process of change and letting go. it has been used to support the heart and crown chakras, and is helpful for a variety of chakras based on its color. ~ view all opal malas & jewelry
pearls were once thought to be the tears of god and are often referred to as the queen gem. they bring love, calm, success, and happiness. rich in symbolism and associated with the crown chakra, pearls have been used for instilling faith, self-worth, integrity, truth, and loyalty, while providing balance, centering, introspection, reflection, and new beginnings. their lunar energy is used for understanding, sustaining and maintaining, and intuitive knowledge. ~ view all pearl malas & jewelry
peridot is a stone that balances and stimulates the heart chakra. it is a stone of compassion, and has a very friendly energy. it brings abundance and prosperity, enhances the harmony of relationships and marriage, and is said to lessen stress, anger, and jealousy. ~ view all peridot malas & jewelry
peruvian opal is a stone that is composed of different shades, such as blue, pink, and green. as with all opals, they share common energies of hope, inner peace, love, and inspiration. they inspire and renew the heart chakra, unconditional love, imagination, and bring strong creativity to the spirit. they have been used for self-esteem, self-worth, releasing harmful inhibitions, protection, clarity, and to calm turbulent emotions. they are very spiritual stones that bring courage, happy dreams, fidelity, and ease the process of change and letting go.
blue peruvian opal is a stone of courage, self-esteem, self-love, and ingenuity. it is said to be helpful with reducing stress and is associated with the throat chakra. pink peruvian opal is a stone of love, gentleness, kindness, and relationships. it is said to both attract these qualities and enhance them within the inner self. it is associated with the heart chakra. green peruvian opal is very similar to pink peruvian opal, but it carries additional qualities of strengthening and balancing the heart chakra. ~ view all opal malas & jewelry
prehnite is a stone of protection that strengthens and increases energy, while providing a soothing and calming influence. it is said to ease stress, worry, and restlessness on all levels. it is believed to be a strong stone for meditation, visualization, and inner knowledge, and is primarily associated with the heart chakra. ~ view all prehnite malas & jewelry
pyrite is a stone of protection, intelligence, mental stability, logic, and analysis that enhances mental systems, development, and creativity. it is a stone that brings good luck and good fortune, and makes a wonderful energy shield, blocking out negativity from various sources. it helps to break down facades and see things more clearly, and has been used to overcome lethargy and feelings of inadequacy. ~ view all pyrite malas & jewelry
quartz is known as a stone of harmony, wisdom, power, and sacred fire. it has been called a master stone due to its many uses. it amplifies the energy of any stone it is paired with, and is extremely beneficial for manifesting, meditation, and protection. it is excellent for harmonizing and balancing, dispels negativity, and enhances spiritual growth. it clears and activates all energy centers and chakras, stimulates the third eye and crown chakras, and is said to bring the energy of the stars into the soul. ~ view all quartz malas & jewelry
sheen or rainbow obsidian is known as a stone of pleasure, as it brings pleasure, enjoyment and joy to one's life. it brings love and light and brings out the spiritual. it has been used as a very protective stone, and works by grounding out negativity to let in the positive. it is a centering stone that is also associated with the root chakra. ~ view all obsidian malas & jewelry
rose quartz is believed to be a stone of unconditional love that opens the heart chakra for love of all kinds. it enhances love and compassion in any situation, brings inner warmth, and is said to soothe and calm stress while dissolving tension. it has been used to attract love, realize self-worth, balance the emotions, ease the process of change, and increase clarity and harmony. its calming and cooling energy clears negativity, enhances patience, and brings forgiveness and compassion to the heart, both for the self and for others. ~ view all rose quartz malas & jewelry
ruby is a stone of compassion, prosperity, and protection. it brings love, perseverance, courage, and strength, and allows one to love the self and spirit. it is said to strengthen the heart chakra, and helps all to be warm, caring, and devotional to the needs of others while doing so with love and joy in the heart. it helps one to relax while caring for others without feeling resentment or feeling trapped in that role. because ruby is actually red sapphire, it also carries strong energies for general protection and is a wonderful stone for meditation. it helps to reduce negative thought patterns, and brings mental clarity. ~ view all ruby malas & jewelry
sapphire is a stone of intuition, meditation, and hope. it brings beauty, joy, peace, and prosperity, and is an excellent protection stone. it is said to benefit mental clarity, ease sadness and stress, and improve communication. it is primarily associated with the third eye and throat chakras. ~ view all sapphire malas & jewelry
sardonyx is a beautiful stone made of banded onyx and agate, and is a stone of protection and strength. it stimulates our driving for, as well as our understanding of, a meaningful existence. it encourages stability, self-confidence, attracts friends, and is believed to help generate a more positive attitude. it has been used to bring happiness to relationships, diminish hesitation, and support courage and change with ease. black sardonyx is believed to absorb negativity, while sardonyx stones that contain white inclusions are considered excellent stones for meditation, as they are believed to carry strong vibrations within the third eye and crown chakras. ~ view all sardonyx malas & jewelry
serpentine is said to help with emotional cleansing and is mainly associated with the heart chakra. it has been used for protection, to attract love and money, and is considered to be an excellent stone for meditation. it is believed to stimulate the rise of kundalini, which is the eternal force that activates the chakras, by opening a path that lessens discomfort. ~ view all serpentine malas & jewelry
smoky quartz is a grounding stone that is associated with the root chakra and is believed to be powerfully opening to the crown chakra. it is said to induce alpha/deep meditation and stimulate the natural crystals in body tissues to resonate at the highest frequency. it has been used most often to overcome sadness, nightmares, stress, and other negative emotions, while transforming them into positive ones. it supports deep relaxation and unconditional love, and is especially helpful for those dealing with body image issues such as feeling too fat, too skinny, too short or tall, etc. it is a stone of protection, prosperity, and good luck, and establishes the most gentle and loving connection with the body. ~ view all smoky quartz malas & jewelry
sodalite is known as the poet's stone. it is a stone of logic, rationality, efficiency, and truth. it has been used for breaches in communication and can help end arguments or other disagreements. it is believed to be particularly useful for honesty of emotions and love. it increases intelligence, knowledge and learning, and can unite the logical with the spiritual. ~ view all sodalite malas & jewelry
sunstone is a powerful stone associated with relieving stress, and fear of all kinds. it is believed to bring leadership qualities to its wearer, bring good luck and abundance, turn negative energies into positive energy, increase personal power and will, and has been used to support the natural life force energy in the body. ~ view all sunstone malas & jewelry
tanzanite is a stone of spiritual awareness, insight, and calming energy. it is often referred to as the workaholic's stone, because it helps one to slow down and take it easy. it is said to bring success, relieve stress and sadness, and enhance composure, poise, and harmony. it has been used to transform negativity into positive energy, and is primarily associated with the throat, third eye, and crown chakras. ~ view all tanzanite malas & jewelry ~
tiger's eye is a stone of protection, integrity, and empowerment of the solar plexus chakra. it promotes the correct use of power, grounding, stability, and prosperity, often in the form of money, and shares these attributes with all of its varieties of color. it has been used traditionally for protection during travel, and is believed to bring good luck to one who wears or carries it. it brings a special boost to the solar plexus chakra and one's personal power.
blue tiger's eye is a stone of practical communication and observation, which is why it is often referred to as hawk's eye. it has been used to see clearly without illusion, recognize thoughts and ideas, and support the willpower to manifest and carry them to fruition. it is used for protection, especially of the upper chakras such as the third eye and throat chakras. red tiger's eye is associated with the root chakra and is a stone of strength, vitality, and longevity. ~ view all tiger's eye malas & jewelry ~
topaz is a powerful stone said to balance and calm the emotions, release tension, and bring joy. it is believed to bring success and good fortune, and protection from the evil eye and greed. spiritually, it brings in spiritual love and peace, creativity, individuality, true love, and hope. blue topaz also enhances and improves psychic knowledge, spiritual growth, and psychic insight. ~ view all topaz malas & jewelry
tourmaline is a highly coveted stone due to its natural beauty. it encourages flexibility, happiness, and objectivity, while inspiring compassion, serenity, tolerance, and understanding. it is a spiritual stone of true wisdom, balance, and calm, and is very protective. it brings abundance, passion, and love, and is associated with the root and sacral chakras, but is helpful to a variety of chakras based on its color. watermelon tourmaline supports the heart chakra, where it opens one to accept love. ~ view all tourmaline malas & jewelry
turquoise is most famous as a master stone. it is known as a stone of protection and communication on every level. it is wonderful for the throat chakra, to encourage communication between the heart and mind, as well as to express desires and dreams. it opens the throat chakra, for clear communication, creativity, serenity, and spiritual bonding through verbal expression. it has been used to bring abundance, balance yin and yang energies, relieve stress, energize, cleanse and clear the meridians or nadis of the body, and is known as the stone which connects heaven and earth. ~ view all turquoise eye malas & jewelry
unakite is associated with the heart chakra and aligns the emotional body with the higher self. it harmonizes, enables one to be positively assertive, and brings unconditional love and connection. it is a good protection stone, and is considered to be very helpful for separation issues. ~ view all unakite malas & jewelry
water sapphire is also commonly known as iolite, and is considered to be one of the best stones for meditation and spiritual growth. it stimulates the third eye, throat, and crown chakras, intuition, visualization, and growth in a gentle fashion. it also supports communication and relationships of all kinds. ~ view all water sapphire malas & jewelry